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Titan Krios G4

A 300 keV instrument with FEG electron source, grid autoloader, and Falcon 4 direct electron detector with Selectris X energy filter. This microscope is capable of high-speed data collection for single-particle or tomography projects through EPU software.

Titan Krios G3

A 300 keV instrument with FEG electron source, grid autoloader, and Gatan K3 direct electron detector with Gatan Biocontinuum Energy Filter and Volta phase plates. This cryo-STEM microscope is optimized for both single particle and tomography data collection through EPU or SerialEM software packages.

Talos Arctica

A 200 keV instrument with FEG electron source, grid autoloader, and Falcon 4i direct electron detector with Volta phase plates. This versatile microscope is capable of both grid screening and data collection for single-particle projects through EPU software package.

Tecnai G2 Sphera - Currently unavailable 

A 200 keV instrument with LaB6 filament and Gatan 2k x 2k CCD. This microscope is capable of negative-stain imaging, with automation through Leginon software.

Sample Preparation

Vitrobot & Manual Plunger

The Vitrobot and the manual plunger perform the cryo-fixation process on TEM grids at constant physical and mechanical conditions using liquid ethane and liquid nitrogen. The Vitrobot's controlled environmental technology prevents cooling and concentration of artifacts that are inevitable in other freezing protocols. The transfer from the vitrification medium into the liquid nitrogen atmosphere has been automated, ensuring consistent sample quality at high sample throughput. The manual plunger is located in a cooled, humidity-controlled environment. Reservations for these instruments include free use of the Gatan Solarus Plasma Cleaner for preparation of the TEM grid surface prior to vitrification.

SPT Labtech Chameleon

The SPT LabTech Chameleon is an automated sample preparation instrument, using blot-free sample application with self-wicking grids and programmable high-speed plunging of TEM grids. The instrument also features in-line glow discharge and fully programmable interface for optimized and reproducible sample preparation.

Carbon Coating

Safematic Carbon Coater

A carbon coating sputtering device suitable for making ultrathin mechanically stable TEM support films with simple one touch operation and reproducibility.

Glow Discharge


The Emitech K100X is a simple, free-standing glow discharge system, typically used for hydrophobic to hydrophilic conversion of carbon coated TEM grids.

Solarus II Plasma Cleaner

The Solarus II is the next-generation plasma tool to remove hydrocarbon contamination from TEM and SEM samples and holders. This system is ideal for researchers who want to reproducibly remove organic surface contaminants in a safe, efficient manner. The programmable user interface features guided workflows and ensures consistent results. Low-power operation (2 W) enables gentle cleaning of delicate samples (e.g., holey carbon grids).