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Rates for the Cryo-EM Facility

The facility charges an hourly instrument rate or a flat fee for each workstation. If users are utilizing collaborative fee for service work, are training, or utilize staff assistance, there will be a separate hourly labor charge applied to the reservation in addition to the hourly instrument rate.

Rates quoted are for internal UC San Diego users only. External users please contact the facility manager for more information.

Wet Lab 

  • $5.00 one-time fee per use per single user with unlimited access to all equipment in the room for the duration of the reservation.

Krios and Arctica Clipping Stations

  • $5.00 one-time fee if used outside of the booked vitrobot or microscope time. 


  • Instrument Rate:  $63.00/hr


  • Instrument Rate:  $86.00/hr

Vitrobot and Manual Plunge Freezer

  • Instrument Rate $44.00/hr

Facility Staff Labor Rate

  • $100 per hour